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Complete or Update Your FERPA Release/Waiver

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. ยง 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. These records include grades, judicial sanctions, financial records and other personal information. Salem State University (SSU) is committed to following federal law and protecting the privacy of students and will not disclose any protected information from our student records. SSU does not endorse or encourage any student to waive his/her rights to privacy under FERPA. In addition, the university will refrain from sharing non-directory information to any individual, including parents or guardians, without the consent of the student. For more information about FERPA, please visit

Students may elect to waive their rights to privacy if they so choose. 

Complete or Update FERPA waiver (PDF version)

To enter a waiver of FERPA rights:

1. Log in to Navigator.

2. On the Student Homepage, click on "Profile".

3. On the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on "FERPA Waiver".

4. After reading the information provided about FERPA, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the screen.

To add a designee:

1. Enter the *Name in the box provided of the individual to whom you give the university the right to disclose information about your personal records.

2. Assign a *Security Word in the box provided for the individual to use when contacting the university. 

NOTE: Your designee should have this *Security word ready each time they contact the university.

3. For each designee, select yes or no for the type of information you want to disclose defined by the slide buttons.

4. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page. Your designee will instantly be added to the system and SSU is able to disclose.

To remove a designee: 

1. Click on the sliding button listed under "Remove" next to the individual you wish to remove. Then click "Save".