Students looking for information regarding their roommate(s), room assignment, and other residence-life related information must log into the housing portal.
If you are an incoming student, in order to access the housing portal you must already have made your Acceptance eDeposit, Housing eDeposit, and have selected an orientation date.
To access the portal:
- Log into Navigator.
- Once at the Student Homepage, click on "Campus Life".
- On the menu on the left-hand side of the page, click on "Housing Self-Service Portal", then follow the link to room selection.
- Log in with your campus username (i.e. S0123456) and password.
How to- Access the housing portal [PDF]
For more information, please contact Residence Life.
Residence Life
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970
Phone: 978.542.6416
Fax: 978.542.6356
First floor, Atlantic Residence Hall