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Where do I get my Salem State Username?

As a student or an employee, your Salem State Username will be used to sign onto our network and other various systems including Email, Canvas and Polaris. 

Student Usernames

Unique student ID numbers are issued to students who:

  • Applied to the university to be a full-time student.
  • Take a course as a non-matriculated or a non-credit student.
  • Took a course or attended years ago.

New Students

You should receive your student ID, username, and initial password information from the admissions office.

  • Your Salem State ID is a unique set of seven numbers.
    • example 1234567
  • Your Salem State Username is the letter S followed by your seven-digit student ID number.
    • example, S1234567
  • Your Office 365 username is your Salem State username followed by
    • example,
  • Your email address is your first initial, underscore and last name, followed by
    • example,

If you don't know your student ID, go to Navigator, select the "Account Help" tile, fill in your information, and select "Look Up My Applicant/Student ID."

If you took a course long ago, your student ID may no longer be active in the system. Contact the Student Navigation Center or call 978.542.8000 if you can't reset your password.

Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, Contractors, and Volunteer Usernames

Upon your hiring, you will be entered into our employee management system (EMS) and issued a username.

Usernames at Salem State take these forms: 

  • Faculty or staff:
  • Student employee:
  • Contractor:
  • Volunteer:

All Users

You can manage your account at My Account Portal. Here you can change your password, view settings and privacy, update your security info, manage your connected devices, and more.

Depending on what service you are signing on to, you may need to use either your full email address ( or just your first initial and last name (jsmith). If one doesn't work, please try the other.

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