Welcome, Fall 2025 Admits!
Incoming summer/fall first-year students will select a first-year seminar from March 3 through May 27 at noon via Navigator after selecting an orientation date on a first-come, first-served basis (from the Orientation tile). We will continue adding seminar options between March 4 and April 30.
Students who do not select an orientation date during the early registration process (by May 27 at noon) will choose a seminar from what is left available at their in-person orientation session (NOTE: this means that time in the registration room will be extended for those students as reviewing all the seminar options takes extra time).
Select the document at the bottom of this page for a PDF of seminars and instructions for reviewing them (the document will be loaded in late February).
If a seminar isn't listed in Navigator when a student selects it, it is full and no longer available.
- Visit our First Year Seminar FAQ (LINK) for more information.
- Attend a First Year Seminar Information Session (LINK) to learn more about the First Year Seminar and selection process.
- Specific questions about the First Year Seminar and process should be directed to the First Year Experience office at firstyearseminar@salemstate.edu or 978.542.2618. Students can also private message the office account via the Facebook Class of 2029 group (by contacting "Mathew Reed," the administrator of the page/FYE Office representatives) or follow and message us on Instagram (@firstyearsuccess).
- Family members are invited to join the Official Salem State University Parents and Family Group on Facebook.
Process for current and incoming transfer students:
Returning students who need to take or repeat a First Year Seminar and did not select one during the early registration process as outlined in their email (returning students) should follow the instructions as outlined on the Student Success Canvas page.
Incoming transfer students (who have taken (and passed) 14 or fewer credits at a previous institution) must select a First Year Seminar and contact firstyearseminar@salemstate.edu to discuss the process.
Process for incoming students starting in January:
- Incoming January first-year students will select a First Year Seminar before orientation using a process emailed to each student's Salem State University email address beginning in December. The current seminar options will be posted at the link below.
- Incoming January transfer students may be exempt from the First Year Seminar if they have completed 15 or more credits at a previous institution. If students need to register for a First Year Seminar (because they've completed fewer than 15 credits), they should contact firstyearseminar@salemstate.edu to begin the process.