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First Year Seminar

First-year seminars are 3-credit academic courses required for all incoming first-year students in Salem State University's general education program. New transfer students who have taken fewer than 15 credits at a previous institution must also take them.

First year seminars are academic courses built around a specific academic topic. The topics represent passion areas for the faculty who teach that particular seminar. Students are encouraged to review all the seminar descriptions and the FAQs (below) prior to choosing which seminar they will take.

Students starting classes during the fall semester will register for the First Year Seminar as follows:

  • Incoming first-year students will choose a seminar through a special link in their Navigator account from March to the end of May.
    • This process for 2025 closes at noon on May 27. Any student who does not select a seminar during this time will choose a seminar (from what is left available) as part of the class selection process at orientation.
    • The first year seminars offered for fall 2025 are available in Navigator and as a single Word document on the university website for students to review all options. If a seminar from the list does not appear in the Navigator system, it has filled to capacity. There is no waiting list for seminars.
    • Want to learn more? Info sessions will be offered from March to May.
  • Transfer students who are required to take the seminar will receive an email with instructions on selecting a seminar as part of the orientation class selection process.
  • Current upper-class students who need to take (or retake) a seminar will register for the course through the process outlined by First Year Experience (FYE). Before the registration period, students will receive an email with instructions.

If you have questions about the First Year Seminar, contact the FYE office at 978.542.2618 or

General Questions Regarding First Year Seminar

Who is exempt from taking a First Year Seminar?

The following students are exempt from taking a First Year Seminar:

  • Transfer students with 15 or more credits at a previous college or university. These credits do not need to be transferred to Salem State, but the student must provide proof of credits to the FYE office if the credits are not being transferred.
    • Receiving credit for Advanced Placement (AP) scores, which result from a student taking an AP level course in high school and achieving a certain score on the exam, does not count towards first-year seminar exemption.
  • Students who have taken a 3-credit, academic-themed First Year Seminar at another institution. The First Year Experience Office reviews the seminars from other institutions to determine if they meet the same requirements as the seminars at Salem State.
  • Students who are transferring in 15 or more credits of military credit or dual enrollment credits.

How do I see the complete list of First Year Seminar offerings for each semester?

  • Current students can download the list of seminar offerings at the link above or search in Navigator in the class registration section. In the search area, scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Additional Search Criteria." At the bottom of that section, next to "Course Attribute," select "General Education," and as "Course Attribute Value," select "First Year Seminar." As long as you have the current semester and "show open courses only" options selected, you will get a list of the seminars that have open seats available. 
  • Incoming first-year students can review the list of seminars available during the March-May selection process and select one after choosing their orientation session.
  • Incoming transfer students who must complete the First Year Seminar will select a seminar during orientation.

Which seminar do I choose? Should I take one in my major?

First-year seminars are not major-specific; in fact, they have nothing to do with your major. You may note that seminars are "housed" in academic departments - this only reflects the professor teaching the course and not the actual content of the course. For example, a computer science seminar is about knitting and community.

Students should read the course description carefully and pick a First Year Seminar topic they are interested in studying, as the topic may not have anything to do with the major department where it is housed. The First Year Seminar is not an introduction to your major.

My best friend is attending another school and taking a First Year Seminar. Is it the same thing?

No, it probably isn't. Every institution has a different type of seminar - some are optional, and some, like Salem State's, are required as part of the General Education program. Some are not worth any credit, and some are worth 1-3 credits (Salem State's is worth three 3 credits towards graduation). Some don't assign a grade, while others, like Salem State's, assign a letter grade, which counts toward your GPA. Some focus only on "college 101 skills," like time management. Salem State includes that but also focuses on learning about an academic topic. 

How do I know if the seminar will fit into my schedule?

FYE recommends that students select a First Year Seminar first, and then your fall schedule will be built around that course. Because the seminar is topic-based, students will want to be in a class that interests them and then select other courses afterward.

When do seminars meet?

First year seminars are like any other academic course you take at the university. Some seminars meet once a week for 2 hours and 40 minutes (with a break), while others meet twice a week (Wednesdays and Fridays or Tuesdays and Thursdays) for an hour and 15 minutes each. In addition, some seminars have additional outside-of-class requirements outlined in the syllabus. This is normal for many courses at Salem State, as you will be required to do homework, projects, or activities in addition to the time you spend in class.

For example, the seminar on whale ecology required students to go on a Saturday whale-watching excursion. Other seminars involve field trips, community service projects, and attendance at campus events. The syllabus, handed out on the first day of class, will outline these.

What if I end up not getting into a seminar for the fall semester?

If, for some reason, there are no seats available for first-year students during the fall semester, students will register for a spring First Year Seminar as their first course before building the rest of their schedule. If this does happen, the FYE office will email students in October with the process and spring seminar list. This rarely happens, however, as the university offers enough seats for students to select from. It should be noted that students will want to choose their seminar early to have the best possible range of options (topics to choose from). Students who wait until orientation often find that their choices are limited.

What if the seminar I wanted is full/not available?

If a student's first-choice seminar is full, they must select another seminar from the available options. FYE does not maintain a waiting list, and professors cannot add students to the seminar beyond the course capacity. This is why students must select their seminar early.

Is there a book required for the First Year Seminar?

Each professor assigns specific books related to the class topic. Some professors have fewer books in exchange for participating in/buying tickets for a particular activity, event, or field trip. Specific book information will be available in Navigator in August and/or outlined in the syllabus you receive on the first day of class (if it relates to specific activities). Some seminars have required field trips instead of books, and students must purchase a ticket at a minimal cost instead of buying a book.

Do I have to attend all the classes throughout the semester?

Yes, unlike some students' high school experiences, college classes have attendance requirements. Students who regularly do not attend class will find that their grade is impacted by every absence past a specific number, as outlined in the syllabus. Students are encouraged to review their syllabus at the beginning of the semester (when they receive it on the first day of class) so they understand the attendance policy for that class.

What if I fail or withdraw from my First Year Seminar?

The First Year Seminar is required for all students, so you must register for and complete a seminar for your next semester. You will not be required to take the same seminar on the same topic. Students will receive a hold on their account. Before registering for classes, they must meet with the FYE office (information will be emailed to students regarding the process and timeline).

If a student has to repeat a seminar for the third time, they must get permission from FYE before registering. In this scenario, students should submit the permission form to, and the meeting will then be scheduled with the Assistant Dean, Student Success and First Year Experience.

If a student has to repeat the seminar for a fourth time, they will need permission from the Provost/Academic Vice President (using the same form as above).

I still have questions. Who can I talk to?

All questions regarding first-year seminars should be directed to the FYE office. You can contact the office by phone at 978.542.2618, by emailing or by visiting the office Dining Commons on the second floor of the North Campus CafĂ©.

Do You Need More Help?

First Year Experience Office
Walk-In Service: 101A North Campus Dining Commons